
矿物加工是一个广义的术语,包括许多不同的加工过程, as a whole, 这是整个采矿作业最重要的方面之一. Most mined materials, from hard-rock ores to solid-fuel minerals such as coal, oil shale and industrial minerals, 是否经过某种粒度缩减和/或其他选矿过程. Often, 为了生产一种适销对路的菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全,要按顺序进行几种矿物加工操作. 在分离和加工过程中,确保您充分了解矿石的矿物学和最终菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全的要求是非常重要的, 这就是为什么McLanahan雇佣了一个流程工程师团队来确保你的操作效率, productive and profitable as possible. 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全的选矿设备可用于选矿过程的各个阶段. From crushing and sizing to sampling and dewatering, 每一件McLanahan设备都能确保您回收最多的有价值的矿物.


麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全提供了多种粉碎解决方案,以减少矿物,如煤, salt, granite, copper and iron. 矿物从废岩中释放出来,通过原生岩缩小尺寸, secondary and tertiary stages of crushing, by equipment that utilises impact, attrition, compression or shear forces. 麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全粉碎机可以在您的网站减少矿物的大小和形状,你想要的, 使用最小的功率来实现最大的体积和最小的机器磨损. 您的应用程序的破碎要求将通过材料测试在麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全的内部实验室确定, ensuring crusher size and selection matches your needs.

Types of Crushers

McLanahan Mineral DDC-Sizer


通过初始和下游过程输送矿物是使用给料机完成的一项重要任务. McLanahan offers a range of feeders, as well as complete material systems, 它们能够在这个过程的其他方面装载和卸载矿物. 这些给料机被编程为以与传送带或破碎机的速度和容量相匹配的速度给料. McLanahan还可以提供采样,测试和存储的馈线.

Types of Feeders

McLanahan Feeders


Dewatering is an important step in the processing of minerals. 这一步骤除去在加工过程中被矿物质吸收的水分, which can increase the overall density of the particles. 除去水使矿物更容易处理,运输成本更低, as well as assists with the removal of undesirable material. 脱水最常通过湿式分级、离心或过滤来实现. 从矿物质中除去的水可以再循环到加工厂. McLanahan提供各种脱水设备,以去除矿物质中的水分. Not only does McLanahan dewatering equipment produce a drier, drip-free product, 它还有助于对矿物进行分类,以便进一步加工.

Types of Dewatering Equipment

McLanahan Filter Presses


McLanahan机械取样系统允许生产商分析他们的物料流,以帮助保持质量标准,并确保他们的菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全符合合同要求. 他们还允许消费者验证他们收到的菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全是否符合他们的规格. McLanahan的机械取样系统非常可靠,每次都为生产者提供一致的样品. They are easy to maintain and safer to operate, 因为你不必靠近传送带来收集样本. 所有McLanahan的机械取样系统旨在为生产商提供取样应用的最佳解决方案, while meeting or exceeding international sampling standards.

Types of Samplers

McLanahan Sampling Systems


在下游工序之前,洗涤可去除矿物中的有害物质和涂层. As a leading producer in rotary equipment, McLanahan提供的洗涤设备,利用材料对材料的磨损,从您想要的菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全中去除有害物质. As the material turns on itself, 有害物质被分离,而所需的菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全被转移到该过程的下一个部分. Whether you need to remove loamy, soluble clays, tough plastic clays, soft rock, crusher dust or other friable waste fractions, McLanahan制造洗涤设备,以满足您的操作需求.

Types of Scrubbers

McLanahan Rotary Scrubbers

Tailings Management

帮助矿物加工厂符合环境和许可规定, McLanahan提供的设备可以帮助您制定尾矿管理策略. 增稠机和压滤机都允许生产商减少或消除尾矿/沉淀池, recover process water for reuse, 将固体分数转化为易于安全储存的状态, 并从回收的罚款中创造出一种潜在的可销售菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全. 回收罚款减少池塘维护成本,延长池塘寿命, 同时减少或消除沉降池增加了场地的可持续性,并释放了时间和土地空间.

Types of Tailings Management Equipment

McLanahan Thickeners


根据矿物的大小将其分离以制造各种最终菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全, McLanahan offers a variety of screens. Depending on the machine, 矿物通过翻滚作用或振动作用被分离成特定的颗粒大小. Smaller particles fall through the screen media, 而较大的颗粒则留在筛板上,在筛分过程结束时排出. 麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全的筛选设备也可以有效地去除垃圾材料, reducing fines generation and minimising crusher size.

Types of Screens/Sizers

McLanahan Vibrating Screens

What is Minerals Processing?

In general, 矿物加工是指对矿石和矿物进行加工,从废料中分离出有价值矿物的做法. Generally, in mineral processing, 矿物通过几种操作从矿石中回收, including comminution, sizing, concentration and dewatering. “矿物加工”一词可广泛应用于各行各业, such as gold, coal, nickel, aluminium, oil sands, phosphate, potash, copper, iron ore and many more.

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